I knew that I would start blogging (hopefully somewhat regularly, but realistically every so often) once I got back to Swaziland. But as I was talking with a friend recently, I realized that God is revealing Himself as much in the journey of bringing me over to Swaziland as He will once I get there.
Philippians 1:6 is one of the best promises but most frustrating verses in all of Scripture - Paul’s promise that God’s working on us won’t be completed until the day of Christ Jesus is the source of comfort and joy every day. Yet it is also a reminder that we will not arrive until the day we meet Him face to face. All of life is lived along a journey, so why do we focus so much on the results? Look at how much God shaped the Israelites as they were journeying to the promised land, how He shaped Paul while he was on his journey to Damascus, and so many others!As I have been on this journey of discerning & responding to God’s call on my life to serve Him full time in Swaziland, I have been amazed, humbled & awed along the way - by the details He brings together as only He can, the ways He changes my heart to respond to His promptings. The control freak in me wants to know the end result so that I can help along the way (like I can actually help!), but I know that it's along the journey that I am becoming who God made me to be.
I have said more than once throughout this journey that I wish there was a manual for discerning this call and walking it out obediently, but there isn’t. My prayer is that by sharing this journey with you, God might use it to nudge you along in the call that He has on your life as you go along your journey...
Good word - can't wait to have you in Swaziland!