Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Day In The Life...

Many people have told me that they are living vicariously through me...well, if that's the case, here's what today was like!

6:19am - phone rings with property guy outside ready to look at the water issue in my shower
6:22am - open the door to let him in to see the shower
6:23am - turn off my alarm that was set to go off at 6:25am
6:45am - turn on the hot water pot to heat water for coffee
6:48am - other guys come to repair my water pressure pump & tell me that they need to turn off the power 
6:49am - say a prayer of thanksgiving that the only thing I can do the next couple of hours is sit with my coffee & my Bible & my journal
7:03am - repair guy asks if I have a knife (which I realize they are going to use as a screwdriver so I give them my multi-tool)
7:04am - laugh to myself as they say "Thanks madam" for letting them use my multi-tool
7:25am - hear water gushing out as they change the pump really fast...and Swazi men giggling the whole time they are repairing my water pump
7:45am - turn on the electricity to discover the pump is working as we check all of the faucets
7:52am - hear "Madam?! Madam?! can we turn off the power again?" after one of the Swazi repair men who was standing in water wash shocked
8:15am - get so sick of hearing birds fly into my windows that I videotape it to show my nieces & nephews
8:40am - hear something in the bathroom, realize that one of the birds actually got in the bathroom so now I have to get it out (which I did successfully)
9:00am - head to the Anchor Center to begin my day (dodging cows, goats, pigs, chickens & people along the way)
9:50am - chase a chicken & goat away from the teamhouse door so they don't enter
10:16am - get a call from a ministry partner in Zimbabwe just calling to say hi
10:30am - pick onions from the garden to take to the carepoints
10:45am - water the watermelon plants in the small garden and wonder if they will actually make it through the heat, sun, goats, chickens & kids to produce fruit
11:08am - watch a truck pull in full of bananas to give out to the kids (they stopped by a couple of our carepoints & each kid & adult got to take home at least 6 bananas)
11:51am - head home to pick up a few things & have a moment where I remember I live in Africa & wonder if I am driving on the correct side of the road (and then breathe a sigh of relief when I realize I'm ok)
1:06pm - get a call that the 1:00 meeting has been postponed (that was actually postponed from 10am)
2:50pm - watch a farmer drive his tractor to the clinic on our property
3:57pm - drive up to Nsoko to drop off a ministry partner & switching between having the windows up so we can talk & rolling them down so that we don't overheat (no AC, no fan)
4:37pm - skype with my niece & nephews & sister
5:50pm - start making banana bread to thank the workers who fixed my water & a couple of other people who are helping me out the next few days with things
6:14pm - try to upload a 21 second video to facebook 
6:17pm - give up on uploading the video & return some emails
8:07pm - have another moment where I realize I live in Africa & need to go sweep up all of the dead insects & layer of dust off of my floor before there are 10 more tomorrow
8:35pm - am blessed to get a call from a friend in the US only to have skype drop the call 10 minutes in to it
8:57pm - enjoy a nice shower with water pressure before relaxing, reading, journaling & calling it a day

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