Wednesday, September 29, 2010

From One Mission Field To Another...

As you are reading this blog, I am flying across the Atlantic Ocean...coming back from 11 days in Swaziland, where people's poverty is undeniable and they are unable to hide their brokenness behind material comforts. Yet I am coming back to the mission field of of the wealthiest parts of one of the wealthiest countries in the wealthiest time in history...where there is so much brokenness, but it's hidden well most of the time. God has reminded me over and over and over that there is a mission field surrounding me here in Denver that is in desperate need for the Gospel. Before I left for Swaziland, I was at a meeting where a Godly man with a heart for Colorado reminded us that out of the 2.8 million people in the Denver area, only 600,000 of them claim to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ...which means that there are 2.2 million people who haven't heard about Jesus, or have rejected His offer of grace.
As I prepare to come back to Colorado, I am convicted and reminded that missions is not an 11 day trip that happens somewhere else, but a sacrificial lifestyle that we have each been called to live...for God's glory and for the eternal sake of 2.2 million of our neighbors in Denver. It's not a booklet to be handed out, a program to conduct, but the life of prayer, of showing and telling the Gospel, that God has invited and called each one of us into, no matter where we are living.
So as I come back, my prayer is that I would be faithful to Christ's command..."As you are going, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you."
~ Matthew 28:19-20
"God, raise up a people who are no longer content to wait for a tingly feeling to go down our spine to cause us to rise up and do what we have already been commanded to do." (David Platt)

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