Thursday, February 28, 2013

Tempted While Serving

As I have prepared to come back over to Swaziland to serve in the role that God has called me to here, I am caught in a tough place, knowing the standards of serving that God lays out in the Bible, but then realizing how often I fall short of those standards & serve while my heart is in the wrong place.  My tendency is to turn to the Biblical exhortations to serve God with all of my heart or to read biographies of people who seemed to have God-honoring service down as a natural way of life...but many times those only leave me feeling guilty, ill-equipped, and wrongly motivated.  In this season, God has led me to examine my heart towards service in a different identify the temptations I face in serving that keep me from serving in the way He designed me to serve & has equipped me to serve by the power of His Holy Spirit.

Temptation #1:  I am tempted to serve for others to see me & to make my name great...enough said.

Temptation #2:  I am tempted to serve as an experience...thinking through the next photograph or blog post, thinking about stories I can tell one day in the future.

Temptation #3:  I am tempted to serve as a means to an end...wanting people to like me more, thinking I can earn God's approval, etc.

Temptation #4:  I am tempted to serve out of my own strength...controlling the plans, not relying on the Holy Spirit's power or timing, serving out of competency instead of dependency.

Temptation #5:  I am tempted to serve out of obligation or duty, merely going through the motions...unfortunately looking back at the end of the day & realizing I missed the point of it all, even if I can check the boxes on my to do list.

Temptation #6:  I am tempted to serve based on need...instead of based on a call to serve a specific need or a call to use my gifting, leading me to rob others of their opportunity to serve & miss out on what God is calling me to.

God has freed me to serve Him & equipped me to serve Him & empowered me to serve Him.  To not be overwhelmed by all of the needs around me, but to trust that He will lead my hands to serve faithfully as I keep my eyes and heart focused on Him.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Let Your Word Come In Power, Let What's Dead Come To Life

As I enter into another season of serving in Swaziland, this song has become a theme and a prayer for me...I am not here for the needs, for my own glory, for an adventure, for new friends....I am here for God alone...

Let our praise be Your welcome, let our songs be a sign
We are here for You, we are here for You
Let Your breath come from heaven, fill our hearts with Your life
We are here for You, we are here for You
To You our hearts are open, nothing here is hidden, You are our one desire
You alone are holy, only You are worthy, God let Your fire fall down

Let our shout be Your anthem, Your renown fill the skies
We are here for You, we are here for You
Let Your word move in power, let what’s dead come to life
We are here for You, we are here for You
To You our hearts are open, nothing here is hidden, You are our one desire
You alone are holy, only You are worthy, God let Your fire fall down
To You our hearts are open, nothing here is hidden, You are our one desire
You alone are holy, only You are worthy, God let Your fire fall down
We are here for You, Jesus,

We welcome You with praise, we welcome You with praise, almighty God of love, be welcome in this place
We welcome You with praise, we welcome You with praise, almighty God of love, be welcome in this place
Let every heart adore, let every soul awake, Almighty God of love, be welcome in this place
We welcome You with praise, we welcome You with praise, almighty God of love, be welcome in this place

Be welcome...come and take Your rightful place.