Wednesday, September 26, 2012


ONE cup... that everyone who gets a drink in this revenue office shares & reuses & puts back on the water stand.
ONE guy at the clinic on a Saturday...working behind a desk & sending us to the pharmacy only to have him come behind the counter, then sending us to the treatment room, where he walks in ready to bandage the wound.
ONE pair of shoes for a 5 year old girl...which means school shoes or no shoes all the time.
ONE thermometer at the hospital...passed down the line of more than 100 patients waiting to be seen (thankfully temps are taken under the armpit).
ONE cup at the pharmacy...that they fill up by dipping it in the bucket of water & then hand to the patient at the counter to take their first dose of medicine.
ONE dress for church...meaning this 15 year old girl wears the same polka dotted dress each Sunday.
ONE soccer outfit...that gets re-washed every night so that this athletic young man can go out & play again tomorrow night after work.
ONE girl...who is seeking to live a pure life even though she stands alone in some of her decisions.
ONE boy...who doesn't know his birthday so has never had anyone celebrate him.
ONE baby bottle...that gets washed over & over & over & over as it is used all day because the mom of this baby is in South Africa.
ONE pen...that gets passed from brother to sister to write down the Scripture memory verse at the carepoint.
ONE school uniform...that gets worn all day, every day, Monday through Friday & washed frequently.
ONE eight year old girl...that drowned in an overflowing irrigation canal while she went to fetch water.
ONE guy who is saving himself for marriage...which inspires another guy.
ONE farmer...who decides to plant some gardens on his farm, blessing hundreds of families through the vegetables his workers are growing.
ONE orphan...who is about to celebrate his 4th birthday.
ONE child...loved on & raised by hundreds of short term missionaries coming through this area.
ONE gogo... in her 80's and HIV+ who continues to take in kids & care for them so they don't have to be alone.
ONE school aged girl...taking notes during a lesson at the carepoint so that she can go home & look them up in her Bible. 

1 comment:

  1. And one of the most Godly women I know....serving the "ones" in Swaziland in the name of Jesus Christ!! Love you Erica!!
